Two women engage with an OHO U webinar on a laptop

OHO U - Professional Development for Higher Ed and Healthcare Marketers

Learn and Grow as a Marketer

Three Ways to Level Up Your Marketing Skills – for Free

We've learned so much from our clients and colleagues over the years that we felt we needed to create a platform to share that knowledge. Our OHO U Annual Online Conference, In-Person Bootcamps, Webinars, and client-exclusive Brain Trusts allow us to share everything we've learned in over 20 years helping ambitious, forward-looking marketers elevate their organization’s prestige and recruit the customers they need. 

OHO U 2024 Bold Moves Big Ideas

Annual Online Conference

A Free, Multi-Day Digital Marketing Conference

Each year, over 500 higher education marketing professionals come together to level up their skills learning about new industry trends in digital marketing, content strategy, website design, and more. Spread over multiple weeks, presentations come from marketers at schools across the country with in-depth talks and short case-studies — plus strategies and insights from the OHO team.

An icon depicting three people at a conference listening to a speaker at a podium

In-Person Bootcamps

Reconnect with Colleagues in Your Region

We'll be hosting a day of workshops and presentations focused on an AI and digital storytelling. The OHO team will be making stops in Philadelphia, New York City, Houston, and Dallas. 

An icon of a laptop with a person presenting a webinar displayed on the screen

Monthly Webinars

Insights & Expertise from OHO’s strategists, creatives, and technologists

Throughout the year, OHO U webinars offer a chance for continued in-depth learning presented by experts on the OHO team. Recent topics include: SEO, Google Analytics, tracking ROI, planning for a website redesign, creating a content strategy, website governance, and content marketing.

An icon of four people sitting around a table with chat bubbles indicated two of them are speaking

Brain Trust Discussions

Overcoming Challenges Together

Exclusive to OHO clients, Brain Trusts are an opportunity to hear directly from colleagues and learn what's working, what's not, and what they'd never even thought of trying. If you are an OHO client and would like to join the discussion, reach out to your project manager to learn more.

About OHO U


Marketing professionals in the OHO U Community


Full-length recordings of webinars, conference presentations, and more


We're committed to helping higher ed marketers get smarter — our sessions are always free

The OHO YouTube Channel displayed on a tablet

Hours of OHO U Videos Available on YouTube

Whether you couldn't attend a previous event or you want to share our content with your colleagues, full-length videos of all our OHO U conference and webinar sessions are available to watch at your convenience on our YouTube channel.